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Remembering MH17 victims

MH17 First Memorial Day. We remember today the 298 victims of MH17 plane tragedy in eastern Ukraine. We can only offer prayers to the families of the victims who are still in great pain and sadness. A final report on the cause of the crash is due to be released in October by the Dutch Safety Board. The Netherlands is leading the criminal investigation and is being assisted by Belgium, Australia and Ukraine. The remains of at least two of the victims have still not been found.

Greek parliament voted yes to creditor’s demands

Parliament’s passage at 01:10 in the morning of Thursday helps secure Greece’s future in the eurozone, the 19 nations that use the euro currency. Despite anti-austerity protesters’ clashed with police late Wednesday night as lawmakers started to debate the measures at nearby Parliament building and finally won with 229 yes votes and 64 no. Greek parliament early Thursday accepted harsh terms demanded by creditors to receive nearly 86 billion euros in the country’s third bailout in five years. The yes vote will allow Athens to receive a financial lifeline from its international creditors, but comes at a significant cost of higher taxes, deep cuts in pensions and other government benefits and the sale of most state assets.